§ 58-31b-702. Reporting of disciplinary action -- Immunity from liability.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A licensed health care facility or organization or a professional society of nurses in the state that takes disciplinary action against a person licensed under this chapter relating to any of the following shall report the action in writing to the division within 30 days after the action is taken:
    (a) that person's professional acts or omissions as a licensed nurse;
    (b) that person's nursing competence or ability to practice nursing safely; or
    (c) that person's use of alcohol or drugs in an unlawful manner or to the extent the person is impaired in his ability to practice nursing safely.
    (2) Any person or organization furnishing information in accordance with this section is immune from liability to the extent that the information is furnished in good faith and without malice.
Amended by Chapter 50, 2005 General Session